DRAM Technology
A patented natural filtration system which is designed to remove contaminants such as heavy metals, organic, inorganic and biological compounds from various types of effluent water.
Porous Polymer Sorbents
A chemically-selective membrane material to replace mercury in the gold mining process and decontaminate ASGM tailings.
ASM Progress App
A tool to automate and digitize the collection, analysis and measurement of compliance and indicators of risk management and good practices of ASM using international standards such as CRAFT and Fairmined.
Copper Plates
A technique that uses silver-coated copper plates to decontaminate ASGM tailings.
A software to automatically identify artisanal and small-scale gold mining sites on satellite imagery (Sentinel-2) based on a large training data set and machine learning algorithms (U-Net)
Mercury Capture System
A mercury capture system to remove dangerous elemental mercury vapor from the air that is emitted during the amalgam burning process.
Project Inambari
An open mapping platform that uses publicly available SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellite imagery in combination with other data sources for detecting mining affected lands in tropical forests.
Community-led Monitoring
Smartphone-based reporting tools to facilitate an inclusive grievance system for local communities, and systematic documentation of safeguards, compliance, & illegalities in the artisanal mining supply chain.
Gold Eco-Leaching
A system using an ecologically-safe liquid medium to replace mercury with non-toxic products to capture gold
Illuminating ASM Through Rechargeable Batteries and Torches
A packaged, scalable business solution that offers affordable, rechargeable batteries and headlamps, renewable energy sources, and e-waste recycling to reduce the costs and environmental impact of ASM operations
Mining Impact Calculator
A digital, economic valuation tool that allows users to calculate the social and environmental impact of illegal gold mining in the Amazon, in order to improve decision-making, and establish changes and/or improvements in the regulatory framework around this activity.
Native Bamboos
A novel approach to restoring degraded ASM sites in Amazonia using native bamboos through vegetative and in vitro techniques.
RECPO Online
A platform to allow users registered in the Special Registry of Gold Traders and Processors of Peru - RECPO to do an online registration of the sale and/or processing of gold from its suppliers and know the destination of the product.