Why partner?
As a partner on the Artisanal Mining Grand Challenge: the Amazon, you will:
Engage with a vibrant network of individuals and organizations actively working for a better future for our planet.
Get preferential access to innovations with high impact and market potential.
Be recognized globally through marketing, PR, & events as a driver of change to transform ASGM in the Amazon and beyond.
Have the opportunity to engage and network with our coalition of partners and innovators throughout the Challenge
Ways to Partner
Funding Partners
Financially support the Challenge by increasing the prize pool; providing resources for design, testing, adoption, and scaling of innovations; and/or sponsoring an awards ceremony or innovation conference event.
Ambassador Partners
Leverage your network of contacts and digital, social, and/or print media to promote the Challenge to a global audience and help recruit a large, diverse pool of high-quality applicants.
Technical Partners
Advise and/or participate in the evaluation process and/or recommend a set of reviewers with relevant technical, business, and policy expertise to help evaluate and select high-quality applicants.
Scaling Partners
Support innovators through mentoring, networking, and technical assistance to test their solutions. Make additional commitments to help implement and scale innovations.