Hear from a diverse set of individuals about the realities of working within the
ASGM sector and bringing about positive changes for people and the planet.
Do you have a story you want to share?
Reach out to us at amazon@conservationxlabs.org
Cesar Ipenza, Peru
Cesar Ipenza, a lawyer specializing in environmental matters, shares his experience in artisanal and small scale mining - ASM research and its current state in Peru and Latin America.
Andrea Jose Castro, Peru
Andrea Jose Castro, Founder and General Manager of Casa Collab, a responsible jewelry company, shares her experience promoting the production and commercialization of clean gold in the jewelry industry.
Kgothatso Nhlengetwa, South Africa
Kgothatso Nhlengetwa, Report Coordinator at Delve and Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Expert, shares her experience supporting artisanal miners in the field for more responsible gold production in South Africa.
Olinda Orozco, Peru
Olinda Orozco, Executive President of the Social Development Networks Institute - Red Social, shares her experience of 18 years in management and leadership of development projects with a gender perspective for artisanal and small-scale mining in Peru.
Elizabeth Echavarria, Colombia
Elizabeth Echavarria, Responsible Mining Program Coordinator at the Solidaridad Network, shares her experience supporting artisanal miners committed to responsible gold production.
Lucila Huanca, Peru
Lucila Huanca, General Manager of the Playa Marta Mining Concession in Madre de Dios, Peru, shares her experience as the leader of an artisanal gold mining operation in the Amazon, and her journey to become formalized.
France Cabanillas, Peru
France Cabanillas, Reforestation and Restoration Coordinator at the Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) and Local Coordinator at Pure Earth, shares his experience restoring degraded ecosystems and using mercury-free technologies in artisanal and small-scale mining in the Peruvian Amazon.
Urica Primus, Guyana
Urica Primus, President of the Guyana Women Miners Organization since 2015, grew up in the mining area of Bartica in a family that consisted mostly of miners. At age 18, she was given her own operation, and became involved in addressing the social issues around mining.
Sarah duPont, United States
Sarah duPont, President and Founder of the Amazon Aid Foundation shares her experience working to educate the public about the negative impacts from illegal mining in the Amazon rainforest.
Alberto Rojas, Peru
Alberto Rojas, Mining Formalization Director-General of the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru shares how the formalization of the artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector are needed to promote responsible, innovative practices that will reduce the negative impacts of ASGM on local communities.
Deborah Goldemberg, Brazil
Deborah Goldemberg, Conservation Specialist at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Brazil, has worked in the Brazilian Amazon for nearly 15 years and shares how the use of technology-based financial incentives for artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) are necessary to prevent illegal mining in indigenous land and conservation areas.