Meet our #ASMGrandChallenge


These teams won $750,000 in prizes!

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The Gold-level award winners won $200,000.

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The Tungsten-level award winners won $118,000.

Tungsten Award


Project Inambari

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As part of the Grand Challenge, Microsoft AI for Earth awarded $100,000 to the best solution to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to address ASM.

AI for Earth Award


Peer Feedback Awards

Conservation X Labs gave applicants the opportunity to take part in a collaborative process to receive constructive feedback from the other competitors in the competition. The applicants who received feedback were allowed time to rank the quality of that feedback and revise their applications. The applicants that provided highly-rated feedback to any prize-winning team received $2,500 in prize money. Read more about the process here. These are the winners of the Peer Feedback Awards:

Jeffrey Beyer

Charles Espinosa

Alejandra Laina

Itai Mutemeri

Marcello Veiga

Watch the Full Innovation Summit & Awards Ceremony