Podcast: New innovations to clean up the impacts of mining

This Mongabay Newscast podcast episode shares two stories about the impacts of mining and some of the new and innovative ways conservationists are attempting to deal with those impacts.

One story highlights Bjorn Bergman, an analyst with the NGO SkyTruth who is leading the development of Project Inambari, an open mapping platform that utilizes satellite radar imagery to detect the impacts of small-scale, illegal mining in the Amazon rainforest.

Project Inambari was recently named one of the winners of the Artisanal Mining Challenge, and Bergman shares how the prize money will be used to scale Project Inambari up and why satellite radar is an effective means of tracking mining in tropical forests.


These innovators are making a global impact for conservation


¿Es posible promover una minería artesanal más responsable?